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学会誌目次 2000

2000 Vol. 30

No. 1

  1. Analysis of Longitudinal Ordered Polytomous Data Using Generalized Estimating Equations, 1
    Eiji Nakashima
  2. Analysis of Binary Cross-Over Data with Generalized Linear Transition Models, 17
    Etsuo Miyaoka, Miki Kajikawa and Bruce Smith
  3. Second-Order Properties of a Two-Stage Procedure for Comparing Several Treatments with a Control, 27
    Makoto Aoshima and Yoshikazu Takada
  4. Rankings Generated by Spherical Discriminant Analysis, 43
    Hidehiko Kamiya and Akimichi Takemura
  5. Two Principal Points for Multivariate Location Mixtures of Spherically Symmetric Distribuions, 53
    Wataru Yamamoto and Nobuo Shinozaki
  6. Empirical Bayes Estimation and Unbiased Prediction Theory, 65
    Yushan Xiao
  7. An Estimation Method in Time Series Errors-in-Variables Models, 75
    Norihisa Tsuga, Masanobu Taniguchi and Madan L. Puri
  8. Relative Efficiency of the Expanded Double F-Class Generalized Ridge Estimators, 89
    Takakatsu Inoue
  9. Characterization of the Finite Mixture of Exponential Distributions by Conditional Moments of Nonadjacent Record values, 105
    Jong-Wuu Wu

No. 2

  1. Selection of Post-Treatment Variables for Estimating Total Effect from Empirical Research, 115
    Manabu Kuroki
  2. Nonparametric Estimation of the Conditional Median Function for Long-Range Dependent Processes, 129
    Toshio Honda
  3. Estimation of Variance and Covariance Components in Elliptically Contoured Distributions, 143
    Tatsuya Kubokawa
  4. Estimation of Survival Function Based on Modeling of Censoring Pattern, 177
    Akio Suzukawa and Nobuhiro Taneichi
  5. On the Rate of Convergence of Fisher Information in Multiple Type II Censored Data, 197
    Gang Zheng
  6. On Consistency of Mantel-Haenszel Type Estimators in Nested Case-Control Studies, 205
    Zhong-Zhan Zhang
  7. On the Bioequivalence Problem and a Testing Hypothesis Problem for the Bivariate Normal Distribution, 213
    Yoshiyuki Tsuda
  8. Improving Efficiency of the‘HKB’ Ordinary Type Ridge Estimator, 237
    Takaatsu Inoue
  9. On Mallows’ C_p for the GMANOVA Model under Double Linear Restrictions on the Regression Parameter Matrix, 253
    A.K.Gupta and D.G.Kabe

No. 3 (in Japanese)


ネットワーク社会における統計教育と学習スタイルの変化, 259
Hans-Joachim Mittag(渡辺美智子 訳)


ノンパラメトリック統計モデル推定の最近の展開, 265
小暮 厚之・寒河江雅彦



  1. シンポジューム論文集の解題, 281
  2. 国際比較調査法の開発という側面からの統計科学, 283
  3. 金融工学から見た統計学の必要性と有用性, 291
  4. バイオ統計学からの展望, 297
  5. 理工系専門科目としての統計教育, 301
  6. 統計学パラダイムの変換に向けて:「有意な共同研究」のススメ, 305
  7. ゲノムデータと発見科学, 315
  8. 統計科学の拡がり-神経学習と情報幾何, 323
  9. データサイエンスのすすめ, 327




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