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- 学会誌目次 2000
学会誌目次 2000
2000 Vol. 30
No. 1
- Analysis of Longitudinal Ordered Polytomous Data Using Generalized Estimating Equations, 1
- Eiji Nakashima
- Analysis of Binary Cross-Over Data with Generalized Linear Transition Models, 17
- Etsuo Miyaoka, Miki Kajikawa and Bruce Smith
- Second-Order Properties of a Two-Stage Procedure for Comparing Several Treatments with a Control, 27
- Makoto Aoshima and Yoshikazu Takada
- Rankings Generated by Spherical Discriminant Analysis, 43
- Hidehiko Kamiya and Akimichi Takemura
- Two Principal Points for Multivariate Location Mixtures of Spherically Symmetric Distribuions, 53
- Wataru Yamamoto and Nobuo Shinozaki
- Empirical Bayes Estimation and Unbiased Prediction Theory, 65
- Yushan Xiao
- An Estimation Method in Time Series Errors-in-Variables Models, 75
- Norihisa Tsuga, Masanobu Taniguchi and Madan L. Puri
- Relative Efficiency of the Expanded Double F-Class Generalized Ridge Estimators, 89
- Takakatsu Inoue
- Characterization of the Finite Mixture of Exponential Distributions by Conditional Moments of Nonadjacent Record values, 105
- Jong-Wuu Wu
No. 2
- Selection of Post-Treatment Variables for Estimating Total Effect from Empirical Research, 115
- Manabu Kuroki
- Nonparametric Estimation of the Conditional Median Function for Long-Range Dependent Processes, 129
- Toshio Honda
- Estimation of Variance and Covariance Components in Elliptically Contoured Distributions, 143
- Tatsuya Kubokawa
- Estimation of Survival Function Based on Modeling of Censoring Pattern, 177
- Akio Suzukawa and Nobuhiro Taneichi
- On the Rate of Convergence of Fisher Information in Multiple Type II Censored Data, 197
- Gang Zheng
- On Consistency of Mantel-Haenszel Type Estimators in Nested Case-Control Studies, 205
- Zhong-Zhan Zhang
- On the Bioequivalence Problem and a Testing Hypothesis Problem for the Bivariate Normal Distribution, 213
- Yoshiyuki Tsuda
- Improving Efficiency of the‘HKB’ Ordinary Type Ridge Estimator, 237
- Takaatsu Inoue
- On Mallows’ C_p for the GMANOVA Model under Double Linear Restrictions on the Regression Parameter Matrix, 253
- A.K.Gupta and D.G.Kabe
No. 3 (in Japanese)
ネットワーク社会における統計教育と学習スタイルの変化, 259
Hans-Joachim Mittag(渡辺美智子 訳)
ノンパラメトリック統計モデル推定の最近の展開, 265
小暮 厚之・寒河江雅彦
- シンポジューム論文集の解題, 281
- 吉村功
- 国際比較調査法の開発という側面からの統計科学, 283
- 吉野諒三
- 金融工学から見た統計学の必要性と有用性, 291
- 刈屋武昭
- バイオ統計学からの展望, 297
- 柳川尭<
- 理工系専門科目としての統計教育, 301
- 宮川雅巳
- 統計学パラダイムの変換に向けて:「有意な共同研究」のススメ, 305
- 狩野裕
- ゲノムデータと発見科学, 315
- 宮野悟
- 統計科学の拡がり-神経学習と情報幾何, 323
- 甘利俊一
- データサイエンスのすすめ, 327
- 柴田里程