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学会誌目次 1999
1999 Vol. 29
No. 1
- On the Asymptotic Equivalence of Hellinger Distance and Kullback-Leibler Loss, 1
- Yuichiro Kanazawa, Atsuyuki Kogure and Sang-Gil Lee
- Shrinkage Regression Predictor in a Generalized Linear Model with Autocorrelated Error Term, 23
- Takakatsu Inoue
- Density Function and Relative Efficiency of the Modified Generalized Ridge Regression Estimators, 39
- Takakatsu Inoue
- Estimation of Regression Coefficients in an Exponential Regression Model with Censored Observations, 55
- S. E. Ahmed and A. K. Md. E. Saleh
- Measure of Departure from Conditional Symmetry for Square Contingency Tables with Ordered Categories, 65
- Sadao Tomizawa and Kayo Saitoh
- A Power Approximation for the Multinomial Goodness-of-Fit Test Based on a Normalizing Transformation, 79
- Yuri Sekiya, Nobuhiro Taneichi and Hideyuki Imai
- Modeling Life Length Data Using Mixture Distributions, 89
- N. Unnikrishnan Nair, K. G. Geetha and P. Priya
- On Characterizations of Generalized Mixtures of Geometric and Exponential Distributions by Conditional Expectation of Record Values, 99
- Jong-Wuu Wu and Wen-Chuan Lee
No. 2
- Identifiability Criteria for Causal Effects of Joint Interventions, 105
- Manabu Kuroki and Masami Miyakawa
- Estimation of Area Rain-Rate First Product Moment and Covariance by the Threshold Method, 119
- Md. Monir Hossain and Kunio Shimizu
- Enumeration and Classification of Two-Symbol Orthogonal Arrays of Strength t and m=t+4 Constraints, 135
- Sumiyasu Yamamoto, Yoshifumi Hyodo, Hiromu Yumiba and Tomonori Takahashi
- Asymptotic Approximations of the Null Distribuion of the One-way ANOVA Test Statistic under Nonnormality, 147
- Yasunori Fujikoshi, Masashi Ohmae and Hirokazu Yanagihara
- Monte Carlo Results on the Semiparametric nearest Neighbor Estimator, 163
- Ken Inoue
- Parameter Estimation of Unit Root Processes with Missing Observations, 181
- Haruhisa Nishino and Yoshihiro Yajima
- Randomized Confidence Intervals of a Parameter for the Negative Binomial and Logarithmic Series Distribuions, 201
- Kunihiko Takahashi
- Homogeneity for Multinomial Populations Based on φ-Divergences, 213
- L. Pardo, M. C. Pardo and K. Zografos
- On Gott III’s Delta t Argument : A Good Test Creating a Bad Confidence Interval, 229
- Michikazu Sato
No. 3 (in Japanese)
統計の役割-新しい世紀に向けて, 233
- 景気動向指数のスペクトル解析, 237
- 田邊靖夫
- 操作変数法を用いた同時転換自己回帰モデルの推定, 257
- 佐藤整尚
- ノンパラメトリック効用関数を用いた多項ロジット型の離散的選択モデル, 271
- 阿部誠
- 地球環境政策に関する研究動向の展望, 299
- 川島康子
- 単位根時系列分析, 307
- 森棟公夫
- グラフィカルモデルによる統計的因果推論, 327
- 宮川雅己
21世紀に向けての統計科学 : シンポジュームへの問題提起, 357