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学会誌目次 1996

1996 Vol. 26

No. 1

  1. A Bayesian Hierarchical Linear Model with Educational Applications, 1—24
    Kazuo Shigemasu and Shin-ichi Mayekawa
  2. On Small Sample Properties of Zellner’s Estimator for Two SUR Equations Model with Specification Error, 25—40
    Hikaru Hasegawa
  3. On Basu’s Test Statistic for Multivariate Several Linear Relationships with Replication, 41—46
    Yoshiko Isogawa
  4. Multiple Comparisons in the GMANOVA Model with Covariance Structures, 47—58
    Takashi Seo and Takashi Kanda
  5. On the Estimation of Kurtosis parameter in Elliptical Ditributions, 59—68
    Takashi Seo and Takuya Toyama
  6. Jackknifing: Higher Order Accurate Confidence Intervals, 69—82
    Jin Fang Wang and Masaaki Taguri
  7. On the Empirical Influence Function of the Portmanteau Statistic in AR(1) Process, 83-90
    Andy H. Lee, W. K. Li and Yer van Hui
  8. The Non-null Distribution of the Likelihood Ratio Criterion for Additinal Information Hypothesis in Canonical Correlation Analysis, 91—100
    Akio Suzukawa and Yoshiharu Sato
  9. Third-order Efficiency Implies Fourth-order Efficiency, 101—118
    Yutaka Kano
  10. Identification of Mixtures of Exponetial Distributions by Means of a Predictor and Expectations of Order Statistics, 119—125
    S. El-Arishy and A. N. Ahmed

No. 2

  1. The Effect of Heteroscedasticity on the Actual Size of the Chow Test, 127—134
    Toshio Honda and Akimichi Takemura
  2. Linear Hypothesis Testing in a Random Effects Groth Curve Model, 135—144
    Akio Suzukawa and Yoshiharu Sato
  3. Approximations to Non-Central $\chi^2$ and $F$ Distributions, 145—160
    Norio Torigoe
  4. Approximation for Density of Estimators in Gaussian AR(1) Process, 161—172
    Yoshihide Kakizawa
  5. Some Statistical Properties of the Holt-Winters Seasonal Forecasting Method, 173—188
    Chunhang Chen
  6. An Edgeworth Expansion of a Linear Combination of U-Statistics, 189—208
    Yoshihiko Maesono
  7. Large Deviation Principle for the Sample Covariance Function of a First Order Autoregressive Process, 209—220
    Haruyoshi Mita
  8. Distance between Populations in a Mixture of Categorical and Continuous Variables, 221—230
    Hiroko Nakanishi
  9. Further Constructions of Nested Group Divisible Designs, 231—240
    Ying Miao, Sanpei Kageyama and Xiaoping Duan
  10. On Scale-Invariant M-Statistics in Multivariate k Samples, 241—253
    Taka-aki Shiraishi

No. 3 (in Japanese)







日本統計学会第64回大会記録(千葉大学) 359—383

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