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学会誌目次 1985

1985 vol. 15

No. 1

  1. A Criterion of Variable Selection in Regression with Flattener of Stein-Type
    Masanori Bernard Okamoto
  2. Moments of a Rank Vector with Applications to Selection and Ranking
    Takashi Matsui
  3. Double Symmetry Model and its Decomposition in a Square Contingency Table
    Sadao Tomizawa
  4. A-Optimal Balanced Fractional 2^{m} Factorial Designs of Resolution VII Derived from Simple Arrays in the Class of Robust Plans
    Masahide Kuwada
  5. On a Variable Selection Procedure for a Modified Limited Information Maximum Likelihood Method
    Haruo Onishi
  6. Properties of Simultaneous-Equation Estimators in Econometric Model
    Kimio Morimune
  7. The Asymptotic Distribution of the Estimator of the Autocorrelation Based on a Limiter Estimating Function Under a Pitman-Type Alternative of Gross Errors
    Nobuo Inagaki
  8. A Note on a Linear-Structural Relationship with Replication
    Yoshiko Isogawa
  9. On Estimation of Countable Mixtures of Continuous Distributions
    Jogi Henna
  10. Asymptotic Powers of Aligned Rank Tests and Competing Tests under Location-Alternative Including Contamination
    Taka-aki Shiraishi
  11. ベイズ的学習過程とルーカス供給関数
    羽森 茂之

No. 2

  1. 動物集団の標本調査 – 個体数総数推定をめぐって
    林 知己夫
  2. The Variable Selection Problem for Prediction on the Prediction Area Different from Sample Area
    Takakatsu Inoue
  3. Mean Efficiency of Least Squares Estimator of Regression Coefficients
    Manabu Iwasaki
  4. Decompositions for Odds-Symmetry Models in a Square Contingency Table with Ordered Categories
    Sadao Tomizawa
  5. Serially Balanced Designs Related to Balanced Incomplete Block Designs
    Masakazu Jimbo
  6. Minimaxity and Inadmissibility of the Model Selection and Estimation Procedure for the Mean of a Multivariate Normal Distribution
    Yasushi Nagata
  7. Estimation of the Autocorrelation Coefficients for a Stationary Gaussian Process by Random Clipping
    Minoru Tanaka and Kunio Shimizu
  8. Further Results on a Uniform Two-Armed Bandit Problem with One Arm Known
    Toshio Hamada
  9. Maximum Likelihood Estimators of the Parameters in a Moving Average Process with Time Varying Coefficients
    Gea Hwa Kwoun
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