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学会誌目次 1984

1984 vol. 1

No. 1

  1. Generalized Principal Components Analysis Invariant Under Rotations of a Coordinate System
    Masahiko Mizuta
  2. On a Problem of a Probability Arising From Poker
    Koiti Takahasi and Masao Futatsuya
  3. Rank Statistics to Measure the Degree of Association
    Shingo Shirahata and Takaharu Araki
  4. A Procedure to Deal With Improper Solutions in Latent Class Analysis
    Tsukio Morita
  5. Three Kinds of Decompositions for the Conditional Symmetry Model in a Square Contingency Table
    Sadao Tomizawa
  6. Exact and Approximate Distributions of Slope Estimators in a Linear Structural Relationship
    Yoshiko Isogawa
  7. A Construction of Incomplete Sufficient Unbiased Estimators of the Normal Correlation Coefficient
    Kosei Iwase and Noriaki Seto
  8. Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimation in a Semi-Lognormal Distribution
    Manabu Suzuki, Kosei Iwase and Kunio Shimizu
  9. Further Results on Partially Balanced Fractional 2^{m_{1}+m_{2}} Factorial Designs of Resolution IV
    Masahide Kuwada and Masaaki Matsuura
  10. A Condition for the Validity of Fisher’s Inequality
    Sampei Kageyama and Takumi Tsuji
  11. Note on the Average Sampling Time for the Sequential Test of Padgett and Wei
    Rinya Takahashi
  12. 同時方程式モデルにおける非情報事前分布 (Non-Informative Prior Distribution in a Simultaneous Equations Model)
    稲葉 敏夫 (Toshio Inaba)

No. 2

  1. Finite Sample Econometrics Using ERA’s
    P. C. B. Phillips
  2. Joint Asymptotic Normality of Nonparametric Recursive Density Estimators at a Finite Number of Distinct Points
    Eiichi Isogai
  3. Partial Gauss-Newton Algorithm for Least-Squares and Maximum Likelihood Methods in Factor Analysis
    Masashi Okamoto and Masamori Ihara
  4. Asymptotically Closer Estimators for the Normal Covariance Matrix
    Nariaki Sugiura
  5. Asymptotic Properties of Several Estimators of the Autocorrelation Based on Limiter Estimating Functions for a Stationary Gaussian Process with Additive Outliers
    Michihiro Yoshida, Masao Kondo and Nobuo Inagaki
  6. On Connectedness-conditions of PBIB Designs
    G. M. Saha and Sampei Kageyama
  7. On a Uniform Two-armed Bandit Problem
    Toshio Hamada
  8. A Coefficient of Concordance Based on the Chart of Linked Lines
    Kazumasa Wakimoto and Shingo Shirahata
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