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学会誌目次 1978

1978 vol. 8

No. 1

  1. 私の中の統計学
    山本 純恭
  2. A New Development in Multivariate Statistical Analysis
    T. W. Anderson
  3. Minimax Regret Critical Values for a Preliminary Test in Pooling Variances
    Kazuhiro Ohtani and Toshihisa Toyoda
  4. The Maximum Likelihood Estimates Based on the Incomplete Quantal Response Data
    Taichi Kariya and Tadashi Nakayama
  5. A Uniform Two-armed Bandit Problem: The Parameter of one Distribution is Known
    Toshio Hamada
  6. A Condition for the Existence of Certain Resolvable 2-designs
    Sampei Kageyama
  7. Correction and supplements to the paper “Inequalities for Certain Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs”
    Sampei Kageyama

No. 2

  1. An Asymptotic Theory of Categorical Principal Component Analysis
    Hideki Endo
  2. Optimality of Multidimensional Representation in Hayashi’s Fourth Method of Quantification
    Masashi Okamoto and Takafumi Isogai
  3. A Note on the Level of Significance of the Preliminary Test in Pooling Variances
    Katuomi Hirano
  4. Stabilizing Constants and Asymptotic Behaviors of the Extreme Statistic
    Rinya Takahashi
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