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学会誌目次 1977

1977 vol. 7

No. 1

  1. The Statistical Structure of Biological Assays
    D. J. Finney
  2. On Estimating the Parameter Gap of Two Populations Based on Ranked Data
    Takashi Matsui
  3. Conditions for \alpha-Resolbability and Affine \alpha-Resolvability of Incomplete Block Designs
    Sanpei Kageyama
  4. Tree Graph Method for Visual Representation of Multi-Dimensional Data
    Kazumasa Wakimoto
  5. Some Remarks on Bounded Insurance Contracts
    Yoshinobu Teraoka
  6. 多変量解析における検定統計量の一般分布に対する漸近展開(修正)
    塩谷 実
No. 2
  1. Relations Between Limiting Bayes Estimates and {\it U}-Statistics for Estimable Parameters
    Hajime Yamato
  2. A Class of Minimax Estimators in a Regression Model with Arbitrary Quadratic Loss
    Takeaki Kariya
  3. A Unified Derivation of Alternative Regressions in Terms of Cannonical Analysis of Correlation Matrix
    Jae-Rong Choi
  4. The Distribution of the Studentized Classification Statistic W^{*} in Covariance Discriminant Analysis
    Mitsuyo Kanazawa and Yasunori Fujikoshi
  5. Inequalities for Certain Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs
    Sampei Kageyama
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